3D Art

Add Some Dimension To Your Collection

Jacob Hashimoto

When contemplating an artwork acquisition, one typically looks to source a painting, print or photograph that is both appropriate for the wall in question and fits personal criteria in terms of aesthetic taste and budget. While this is perfectly well and good, we encourage you to think outside of the box and consider sculptural wall pieces with a three-dimensional quality.

As artists are increasingly pushing boundaries, collectors tend to follow suit. Long gone are the days where only traditional oil on canvas is considered to be quality or “real” art. Artwork of different media that protrudes from the wall creates interest and offers unique opportunities to engage and contemplate, as three-dimensional pieces tend to change or take on different appearances depending on the viewer’s vantage point.

We invite you to take a look at some fabulous sculptural wall pieces below. If you are interested in the Lucy Sparrow artwork, or any of the other featured artists, please contact us.

Beverly Fishman 

Lucy Sparrow 

Brian Wills 

Jim Lambie 

Doug Aitken 

Zhuang Hong Yi

Donald Martiny

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